Search results for: “narcissism”

  • 9 Effective Tactics to Expose a Narcissist Husband

    9 Effective Tactics to Expose a Narcissist Husband

      Having a partner with a personality disorder can be challenging. Think about being in a relationship with a narcissist and deciding between feeding your partner’s inflated sense of self-importance or dealing with the repercussions of making them feel irrelevant, marginalized, or neglected. It’s not easy to accept your own insignificance…

  • 9 things covert narcissists say to poison your mind

    9 things covert narcissists say to poison your mind

    If someone close to you has ever left you feeling emotionally exhausted, manipulated, and torn apart by their words and actions, you may be interacting with a covert narcissist. Imagine having a normal conversation with someone who initially seems compassionate and understanding but who leaves you feeling confused and emotionally…

  • 7 Weird things covert narcissists do at work

    7 Weird things covert narcissists do at work

    Have you ever experienced emotional exhaustion at work because of the actions of another person? Some of our colleagues may have peculiar personality traits that make it difficult to understand them and exhausting to work with them. They can’t possibly a narcissists since they are so reserved and shy, right?…

  • 7 Subtle Ego Boosting Things Covert Narcissists say

    7 Subtle Ego Boosting Things Covert Narcissists say

            Ever come across a mastermind who could effortlessly pull your emotional strings like a puppet master, leaving you helplessly craving their validation? Well, these people are none other than covert narcissists. These cunning people may look innocent but are indeed wicked enough to satisfy their egos.…

  • 5 Attention Seeking Habits of Female Covert Narcissist

    5 Attention Seeking Habits of Female Covert Narcissist

    Have you ever wondered how difficult it can be to deal with a narcissist person? Since a narcissist lives in a bubble where all they need is attention and praise, they can make the lives of other people a living hell. Narcissism tends to affect people in their teens and…

  • 7 Things That Will Drive Covert Narcissists Crazy

    7 Things That Will Drive Covert Narcissists Crazy

    You can never have a moment of extreme weirdness unless you are surrounded by narcissists. Being in an environment with these individuals can cause you to lose your sanity. Their weird personality can drive an individual crazy in a matter of time. They exhibit mean and self-centered behaviors such as…

  • 6 Weird things covert narcissists do while spending

    6 Weird things covert narcissists do while spending

    Intermingling with covert narcissists can be extremely tough, as they have some of the most testing personality behaviours such as grandiosity, authority, power, and a lack of empathy. Unfortunately, these traits have become more common in recent years. What makes things worse is that weird things covert narcissists do often…

  • 5 Things Covert narcissists say while discarding Partners

    5 Things Covert narcissists say while discarding Partners

    Unlike the flashy and attention-seeking ones, these folks operate undercover. They’re like undercover agents of self-importance, putting on a facade of innocence and humility. But once you’re behind closed doors, their true colours emerge, and they become masters of manipulation. They thrive on guilt-tripping you, playing the victim, and sowing…

  • 6 Weird things covert narcissists do to terrorize you in car

    6 Weird things covert narcissists do to terrorize you in car

    Everyone loves to enjoy while going out with their friends or partners but things can get messy when you are with covert narcissists. Since, weird things covert narcissists do to make your life miserable.  Covert narcissists while driving a car may display a range of behaviors that reflect their underlying…

  • Weird Things covert narcissists do to get an emotional control

    Weird Things covert narcissists do to get an emotional control

      Covert narcissists are individuals who have a high sense of self-importance and entitlement, but they disguise their true nature behind a veneer of humility and kindness. They often use subtle tactics to manipulate and control those around them. They love to have emotional control over their victims and use…

  • 6 Weird Things Covert Narcissists Do When You Breakup

    6 Weird Things Covert Narcissists Do When You Breakup

    You try your hardest to keep up with a Covert Narcissist until one day; you can’t take it anymore. You are tired of their manipulation, lies, and blame games. Their never-admitting mistakes and turning tables on you every single time have drained your energy so much that you finally decide…

  • 15 Manipulative Things Covert Narcissists Say in an Argument

    15 Manipulative Things Covert Narcissists Say in an Argument

    While studying Narcissism, I discovered the root cause of Narcissism lies in an individual’s disturbed childhood and poor upbringing. A covert narcissist either received too much criticism or too much attention while growing up. Probably that is why they grew up feeling that the world is selfish and that they…

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