Author: Talia siddiq

  • Understanding Female Narcissistic Personality Disorder

    Understanding Female Narcissistic Personality Disorder


      Female Narcissistic Personality Disorder has been a subject of interest and public research quite a lot off late, primarily due to the devastating effects it can have on the females having this disorder and those around her. While narcissism is often conventionally associated with male behaviors, recent studies demonstrate…

  • 4 Weird Things Covert Narcissists Do Behind You

    4 Weird Things Covert Narcissists Do Behind You


    What I have known about Covert Narcissists so far is my personal experience and the knowledge I have earned from my clinical practice. Suspicious creatures, weird things covert narcissists do can leave you mysterious and on edge all the time. Do you wonder why your partner is being so secretive…

  • 8 Unhealthy Habits Associated With Purging Disorders

    8 Unhealthy Habits Associated With Purging Disorders


      Teenage or Adolescence is a stage of life where significant personality changes, personal life, social circle, and cognition occur. Adolescents undergo magnificent corporal changes in their body mass, stature, hair growth, voice thickening, and the emergence of secondary sexual characteristics. However, one thing to note here is that mental…

  • 4 Harmful Impacts Of this Purging Eating Disorder

    4 Harmful Impacts Of this Purging Eating Disorder


    Have you ever heard of an Eating Disorder that can be dangerous for your physical and mental health? Well, let me introduce you to one. Purging Disorder is a widespread eating disorder that can occur in any age group but most frequently occurs in females aged 16-30. As per latest…

  • 15 Manipulative Things Covert Narcissists Say in an Argument

    15 Manipulative Things Covert Narcissists Say in an Argument


    While studying Narcissism, I discovered the root cause of Narcissism lies in an individual’s disturbed childhood and poor upbringing. A covert narcissist either received too much criticism or too much attention while growing up. Probably that is why they grew up feeling that the world is selfish and that they…

  • 6 Useful Tips to deal Weird Things Covert Narcissists Do

    6 Useful Tips to deal Weird Things Covert Narcissists Do


    There is no easy way to deal with the weird things covert narcissists do. Covert narcissists believe they are extraordinarily miserable yet superior to others. That seems quite a combo, but that is how it usually is. They may appear friendly and supportive of your goals, but secretly they are…

  • Vivid Dreams: 4 Easy Steps To have  them Every Night

    Vivid Dreams: 4 Easy Steps To have them Every Night


        For decades, Vivid Dreams have fascinated psychologists, writers, and philosophers alike. These chaotic combinations of emotions, memory, and sensations, give our subconscious mind the chance to speak. Dreams can tell us stories and teach us lessons. They have the power to transform everyday information into something mind-blowing but…

  • Dreams : 5 ways to have sweet vivid dreams

    Dreams : 5 ways to have sweet vivid dreams


      vivid dreams are basically stories and images that our mind creates as vivid dreams and we tend to experience them while we’re asleep. Dreams can happen at any time during sleep; they can be sad or pleasurable, terrifying or soothing, nonsensical or realistic, intense or absolutely exceptional. Ever happen to…

  • 5 Ways To Find A Good Grief Counseling Near Me As Per Your Budget

    5 Ways To Find A Good Grief Counseling Near Me As Per Your Budget


    Grief is one of the many emotions that an individual goes through, mainly following the loss or death of someone close to them such as a parent, spouse, or sibling and the solution is Grief Counseling . It is the most painful and stressful feeling to go through. No matter what…

  • How Social Media & Technology cause  Youth Social Problems?

    How Social Media & Technology cause Youth Social Problems?


    The young generation is facing issues that were not present two or three decades ago. The majority of these issues are mostly associated with Social Media, technological advancements and globalization. Some of the problems that I will discuss are not entirely new; however, electronic media has amplified them by increasing…

  • Juvenile Delinquency: 3 effective ways to Prevent it

    Juvenile Delinquency: 3 effective ways to Prevent it


    In the previous article, I talked about the common causes of youth crime or juvenile delinquency. Today, we will discuss ways to prevent this. Juvenile Delinquency is the habitual committing of criminal acts or offenses by youngsters or teenagers. The few most common causes of juvenile Delinquency that we discussed in…

  • Why Youth Commits Crime?: 8 reasons for this Criminal Activity

    Why Youth Commits Crime?: 8 reasons for this Criminal Activity


    Criminal activity is an unlawful act that is punishable by the state or the higher authority. It is an act harmful not only to an individual but also to the other people, community, society, and the state. These acts are strictly forbidden and condemned by the law. Whenever such a…

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