Narcissist Quotes

Narcissism Exposed: 5 Narcissist Quotes That Illuminate Narcissistic Behavior

“When someone treats you like crap, just remember it’s because there’s something wrong with them, not you. Normal people don’t go around destroying other people’s lives.” ~ Karen Salmansohn

Sometimes a validating quote works like a bandage on our Narcissistic wounds. It reassures us that I am not alone, there’s a way to recover. We are not the victims but the survivors of this Narcissistic Abuse.

We understand how shunned it feels when people are not ready to support you during your traumatic experience with Narcissists. We understand this feeling, in this article, we have intimated some of the most profound quotes exposing Narcissistic behaviors for you.

  • Narcissism; Narcissistic Behaviors
  • Types of Narcissists
  • 5 Insightful Quotes on Narcissistic Behaviors
  • Final Thoughts

Narcissism; Narcissistic Behaviors

Narcissism is the tendency of the personality for an extreme amount of self-centeredness, self-love, grandiosity, self-entitlement, and having a flamboyant presence. A person with Narcissistic Personality traits depicts different kinds of pretentious behaviors.

Narcissistic Behaviors revolve around having an inflated idea of self. Narcissistic people think they have inherent superiority over other people. Moreover, Narcissistic behaviors are observed as; they constantly seek admiration and attention, they have higher self-grandiosity and egocentricity, they lack empathy and regard for others, they insolently envy other people, and they believe themselves as the high horse with great possession of power.

To understand quotes on Narcissistic behaviors on a deeper level, it is crucial for you to first know how various types of Narcissists exist and which type are you dealing with.

Types of Narcissists

Narcissistic tendencies vary in a person’s overt and covert behavior, but we can never diagnose someone with Narcissistic Personality without consulting mental health professionals. Here are some of the most commonly found types of Narcissists:

Grandiose Narcissists: have a higher tendency for self-grandiosity and need for admiration.

Overt Narcissists: the exuberant display of self-entitlement in an extrovert manner.

Covert Narcissists: the subtle display of manipulative and flattering Narcissism in an introverted manner

Vulnerable Narcissists: the covert display of narcissism with helplessness and self-victimization behaviors.

Malignant Narcissists: the devious toxicity of narcissism with antisocial motives.

Communal Narcissists: craving social admiration and adulation with fakery and acts of philanthropy.

You must be thinking reading about Narcissism never goes in vain, but there’s more to it . Let’s unfold the top 5 Narcissist quotes to expose Narcissistic behaviors.

5 Insightful Narcissist Quotes on Narcissistic Behaviors

Arguing with Narcissists

“There is simply no winning with a narcissist. He will treat you so horribly that you will become withdrawn and depressed and then he will turn around and say; you’re no fun anymore, you’re always so depressed.” ~ Susan Williams

Susan, a renowned author writes about Narcissistic behavior under hot water. Narcissists are awful people when it comes to arguments and confrontations, you can never win against them as they feel entitled to treat other people deviously. For Narcissists, the good slice of life belongs to them, but the deep troubles are always caused by you. Narcissists gaslight their partners into thinking their love is dead or their relationship is not as rewarding as it was before.

Lack of Empathy

“There’s a reason narcissists don’t learn from mistakes and that’s because they never get past the first step which is admitting that they made one.” ~ Jeffrey Kluger

American author of the Time Magazine Jeffrey Kluger, in his books on Narcissism, explains that Narcissistic people never learn from the mistakes they commit. They never take accountability for their actions, as they disregard the feelings of others . These are the reasons from the beginning of their lives Narcissists are egocentric. Hence, it is futile if you are investing your time in expecting apologies from them.

Narcissistic Love bombing

“Love doesn’t die a natural death. Love has to be killed, either by neglect or narcissism.” ~ Frank Salvato

Most people mistakenly believe that Narcissists are good at love but it’s a hoax. Narcissistic people are good at manipulating emotions like love and affection only to gain control of their loved ones. Narcissistic partners love-bomb their spouse with gifts and quality time but once their partner starts craving that love, Narcissists show their true colors of neglect, silent treatment, and stonewalling.

Relationship with a Narcissist

“Narcissistic love is riding on the rollercoaster of disaster filled with a heart full of tears.” ~ Sheree Griffin

Sheree’s Narcissist quote is a lesson to always stay cautious before blindly trusting Narcissists in love. People with Narcissistic behaviors make their significant others walk on eggshells. Whether they are in a parenting role or dating someone, a Narcissist’s love is always conditional. They will only reciprocate their love when you follow their commands. This emotional rollercoaster is not just a claim but it exists in reality, as having a Narcissistic partner will put you at higher risk of Narcissistic Abuse and Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). [1]

False Victimization

“A narcissist paints a picture of themselves as being the victim or innocent in all aspects. They will be offended by the truth. But what is done in the dark will come to light. Time has a way of showing people’s true colors.” ~ Karla Grimes

As we’ve explained in the types of Narcissists earlier, some Narcissists display vulnerability and helplessness. They indulge in self-victimization at great lengths to remain in the positive light. Oftentimes Narcissists engage in self-martyring behaviors so that people empathize with them and give them attention. However, Narcissists always stab at your back as they take off their facade of timidity and vulnerability, you’ll come to see their true self which is about selfish and self-centered motives.

No matter how Narcissists depict their Narcissistic behaviors , the root cause is always to validate their self-entitlement and egocentricity. These Narcissist quotes serve as an eye-opener for the people who have recognized Narcissists in their family, friends, or colleagues. It is about the time you make use of these Narcissist quotes exposing Narcissistic behaviors.

Final Thoughts

Navigating life with Narcissistic people around is highly devastating, but we believe in empowering you through your journey from victim to survivor of Narcissism.

Healing from the trauma is important for a healthier life, and seeking Professional Help and Psychotherapy helps in dealing with Narcissistic individuals.

Extensively reading about Narcissism will lead you to understand the paradigms of Narcissistic Personality, but it is also beneficial to adopt Self-help techniques like; Assertiveness, Setting Boundaries, and Seeking Social Support.

Thus, it is your turn to apply the Narcissist quotes to your life and assess your situation to cope with Narcissism.

Further exploring the things Narcissists do helps you to identify Narcissism in other spheres of life. If you want to know more about Narcissism and Narcissists, then click here!

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